
 If you look out your windows on a clear night you will see the moon. That bright sphere has been suspended in the sky since the beginning of time. And all with eyes to see have seen it. But long before rockets and computerized telescopes, most saw the moon differently. Through their perspectives, the moon was a completely smooth sphere. They thought that there were no blemishes or flaws in its smooth surface, an orb of perfection. Galileo argued otherwise; with a telescope mountains are visible on the moon’s surface. Though they could see the ridges through the telescope they went to all lengths to excuse their view.  Perhaps these craters and grooves were actually full of an invisible crystal substance, and the moon was indeed flat? Perhaps it really was perfect? In a way, I have treated my relationships in the same way. 
I think it used to be my tendency to look at others like those people looked at the moon. "Think better then the best of them," has been my unwritten moto. Then gradually, as I have gazed deeper into a person I would find what looks like ridges, cracks, and sometimes even deep chasms and craters. But that did not bother me because I filled them up with an invisible crystal substance called “wishful thinking.”  I made excuses. Perhaps they are growing? Perhaps they just are going through a rough time? Perhaps they had a hard homelife? Perhaps they are not really as messed up as they seem? Then I opened my heart and trusted in Mr. Perhaps.  But you can't trust you own “wishful thinking," you can’t trust unstable ground, you can’t be friends with an unsafe person, or that invisible crystal filled crater will be your downfall.

I’ve fallen into a crystal crater a time or two, and climbed out with scraped knees and a broken heart. But as I’ve healed I have realized it is better to look at man and the moon realistically. Use a telescope of wisdom to see who people are. No pretending. If they are not safe, love them as Christ would...but from a safe distance on the ground. After all, not everyone is cut out to be an astronaut.


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