What is Your Dream?
What is your dream? Do you
dream to travel the world? Do you dream to become a movie star? Do you dream to
find a cure for cancer? Do you dream to get married? Do you dream to raise a
family? Dreams are as diverse as the people that have them, but most of us have
a dream. Scot McKnight in his book titled, “One.Life,” his thoughts on our
At the core of every dream you have,
Behind every dream you have,
Ahead of every dream others have,
And in the center of every good dream every human has...
We will find the kingdom dream of Jesus.
We are designed to give our One.Life to that dream. (22)
Because of the popularity
of dreaming in the secular culture, chasing your dreams has taken on a negative
connotation. Chasing your dreams in a secular world is about getting what you
want out of life. It is about being the author of your destiny. Your dream is
yours alone and how dare anyone try to change it! The secular dream is an
individualistic dream. That isn’t the kind of dreaming Christians are called
to. Our dreams are to be centered on the kingdom dream of Jesus. Our dreams
ought to be community dreams. Our dreams ought to be fueled by the Lord’s
Prayer, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
(Matt 6:10) Once your dream is in sync with the Jesus Dream, you are free to
chase it. Rather, your purpose is to chase that dream. Each day, live the Jesus
Works Cited
McKnight, Scot. One.life: Jesus Calls, We Follow. Grand
Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2010. Print.
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