The Importance of Physical Attractiveness to Men
The article, “A meta-analysis of sex differences in
romantic attraction: Do rating contexts moderate tactic effectiveness
judgments?” by David Schmitt is a research article on whether or not “different
rating contexts might
moderate effectiveness judgments.” The findings suggest that in looking for a mate, most males are drawn to
physically attractive women, while most women are more drawn to resource-related
attributes. This was proven throughout the research, despite what rating
contexts were used.
I have seen this playing out in my own life. Last semester as a homework assignment for my Intro to Psychology class, we were asked to
write out our top ten attributes we desired to find in a mate. In comparing my
answers to that of a male classmate, I found our answers echoed that of the
research done on male/female attraction. While physical attraction was not even
listed among my ten desired attributes it ranked third on his. While financial
stability was not listed among his top ten, it did make it into my top ten
desired attributes though I gave it a low priority. I have seen this on many other occasions as well, so I think that it must be true that men value physical attractiveness more than woman. Although it is true, I don't think it is necessarily a good thing.
Bible often downplays the value of physical attractiveness in comparison of
other attributes a person can have. In Proverbs 31, the ideal woman is praised
for being wise, hardworking, diligent, generous, resourceful and kind. Her
physical beauty is not what makes her the ideal woman. To the contrary, the
chapter ends by saying, “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman
who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and
let her works praise her in the gates.” Physical
attractiveness should not be prized over things such as wisdom, generosity,
kindness, hard work, diligence, and resourcefulness, though it need not be
completely excluded as there is a place for physical admiration such as in The Song Of
In my own life, I've always tried to look for the inward beauty in woman, rather than the outward. But as a man, there is something about the beauty of a woman that is always attractive. And this is good, but the man should be careful to reserve his full admiration for his wife's (or future wife's) beauty.