Today Is Another Chance

Last night, I read the story of young photographer, Joshua Eddy, who passed away this last May. He was on a hike with his friends when he slipped and fell into a river. His last day on this earth was unexpected. When I think about this story I am reminded of the fragility of life. No one knows when "their time" will come. 

Every day could be my last, or the last day of someone I love. I can't help but imagining how I would have felt if this morning I awoke to find that everything I valued on this earth was gone. Would I be able to cry out and say, "I am in the right, and God has taken away my right; in spite of my right I am counted a liar; my wound is incurable, though I am without transgression."? (Job 34:5-6) Or would I hang me head in shame knowing that I had not lived righteously and that I was reaping the consequences of my sin? If I died,  would I remember my last day on Earth with satisfaction or humiliation? I don't want to have regrets. 

No one can change the past. No one can erase the things they regret. Yet, you don't have to make the same mistakes twice. I regret not giving my little brother the attention he deserved yesterday. I can tell him and show him today how much he means to me. I regret feeling sorry for myself yesterday. Today I can be thankful. I regret focusing on my problems yesterday, today I can pay more attention to what other people are going through. I regret spending more time talking to strangers and not enough time talking to those I love. Today I can spend some extra time loving my family. Yesterday I spent way too much time thinking and not enough time praying. Today I can pray more. Today I don't have to make the same mistakes I did yesterday. Today is another chance at yesterday.


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