The Top Beauty
My little brother brought
some wooden spintops home from the Honor Celebration yesterday. The wooden tops were decorated with rainbow
colored curlicues, squiggles, and doodles. They may not look like much sitting
still, but as my brother pointed out, “They look really neat when you spin them.” I think we women can learn something from this simple toy.
In our air-brushed, plastic,
beauty-obsessed culture, women often strive to be something they can’t and
shouldn’t be in an effort to be “beautiful.” They go to extremes, bending over backwards to please the world. All this is unnecessary and
perhaps even sinful in some cases. We need to focus on simply being the women
God created us to be. I say this to myself as much as to my readers, don’t
worry about keeping up with the latest fashion trends, never getting a B on an
exam, being a “popular” girl, or attracting male attention. Focus on being who
God created you to be: a woman who loves God and loves others. In the same way that my little brother's spin top was most beautiful when it was spinning, you are most
beautiful when you are doing what you were created to do and being who you were created to be.
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